VR Zen Garden
Creating a world that can hopefully help me and my fellow students relax.
Task: Add to the VR world made last week and include the ability to manipulate objects and teleport around.
The Plan
Although we were allowed to refine our project’s from last week I really just wanted to start over. I wasn’t very happy with the maze I had created and wanted something more interesting. This week was one of the most stressful for us students so I decided to try and help. The plan was to create a virtual reality zen garden that would calm our nerves.
The Garden
Keeping it simple saved the day. Since the functionality was what mattered I kept my garden small and simple. All surrounded by a hedge; players could walk around, rake some sand, play bean bags, and make rock sculptures. I also added a newton cradle into the mix but applying the physics to make this proved too challenging. I also added in some relaxing music to really set the mood.

What Went Wrong
I kept breaking the laws of physics! To be able to pick up the object in my world I had to add physics to them. This proved to be one of the most frustrating processes. My objects kept either falling straight down or flying off into space. I was able to get them to behave relatively how I wanted but further refinement is still needed.