Getting Physical
Realizing my ineptness at CAD.

I had always thought that physical models created with computer-aided design, or CAD, was one of the coolest things you could make. This tool set was the final frontier for me in design. From video to code I have at-least explored most design systems and have always felt relatively comfortable, until this week. We were tasked this week with creating a simple form in either Fusion 360 or Rhinoceros.

A new world for me I wanted to create something relatively familiar to me and something I use every day: my coffee filter. This filter, technically for loose leaf teas, sits inside a tall mug and holds the to be filtered material. The device works great on the mug it came with but I have always wanted a narrower version that could fit into my camping thermos.
I began by creating a cylinder that would fit the dimensions of the thermos but could not figure out how to create holes to allow for the coffee to filter. I decided to create the device instead out of a rectangle which allowed for simple filtration holes. Once the holes were all added I then added a thin lip to hold the filter to the upper mouth of the thermos. In working on this project I utilized everyone’s favorite resource, Youtube tutorial videos. These videos helped solve a few problems and made me much more comfortable in the software.